Justin Warren at CRN has written an interesting article about the impact of customers moving to IT consumption via cloud business models on Service Provider organisations. The service providers looking after these customers are no longer handling equipment on behalf of their clients but rather are managing Service Level Agreements. What’s more, the service providers are doing so for a multitude of vendors for each and every client.
This can quickly become a complex business and has meant that these Managed Services organisations have had to evolve with these changes in order to continue to be successful. In working through these changes it is apparent that some partners are evolving better than others.
Read the article below in full to understand what it is that the successful managed services partners are doing in making this transition. Hear from the partners themselves and from some of the ANZ IT Channel’s trusted advisers including Moheb Moses on what is important in handling this change.
CRN: Australia’s Managed Service Providers Wrangle Cloud Vendors