Wells Fargo and The Slippery Slope of Sales Incentives

Incentives are common place among sales teams, used to drive specific behaviours and or sales figures for an organisation. They can however very easily, go very wrong. The Wells Fargo case is a well publicised example of incentives going very wrong with many of the employees and the company paying the price.

So how and where do things go wrong? What should be considered when developing incentives for teams to drive behaviours and sales figures? You want to drive a set of behaviours and an outcome and these need to be inextricably linked. In addition, to this you want the behaviours involved in getting your outcome to be in line with your organisations values and code of conduct. It can be tricky! 

Read this article to find out how and where things can go wrong and what you can do to avoid a Wells Fargo situation.

Wells Fargo and The Slippery Slope of Sales Incentives