The Security Landscape Has Changed

In March, CompTIA ran their ANZ IT Channel Community Meetings in both Sydney and Melbourne, with a central them on Security in the ICT Industry. As part of the agenda, Damien Manuel from Blue Coat delivered the key note address on Security in 2016. There was also a panel of Security professionals from 4 vendors … Continued

Ten Things You Should Know About Cyber Security

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to ensuring you and your client’s organisations are properly protected from an IT Security perspective. With security threats constantly changing, it is difficult to know what the key protection points are today and whether one aspect of your business poses more of a … Continued

Hackers: The Internets Immune System

We all know that with constantly changing threats to our cyber security comes constantly changing technology designed to protect us. These threats have created a situation that forces the development and innovation of new technologies.  This interesting TED Talk by Keren Elazari provides a very alternative look at the impact Hackers have on the ICT … Continued

Is Uber Changing How We Work?

There has long been talk about the length of the working week here in Australia and New Zealand, and while many companies are now offering more flexible working hours and arrangements to their staff members, there is still a fair way for most organisations to go. One of the biggest innovators in business of late, … Continued

March 2016 CompTIA Community Meetings

Have you registered yet for our upcoming ANZ Channel Community meetings in Melbourne on March 15 & Sydney on March 16? If not, you really should so that you can find out why Security will be so important for the ICT Industry in the year ahead and how you can protect your clients from threats and grow … Continued

11 Cloud Trends That Will Dominate in 2016

The Cloud and its associated business models and platforms have been touted as one of the biggest disruptors of the digital age. While the arrival of the Cloud has resulted in many huge changes in the IT industry it seems that there are still many more to come as we see the Cloud evolve and … Continued

Challenges Of Being A Channel Chief

Heading up and successfully leading an IT channel business is a tough job. While the sales figures are always important, for channel leaders there are other critical factors at play that must not only be considered but also prioritised. It is has become clear that in order to be successful, one of the more critical … Continued

Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People

Heading into a new year is often a great time to stop and really think about what we want for the year ahead, be it in our professional lives, our personal lives, or both. As the saying goes, nothing changes if nothing changes, and the fact remains that we have to consciously make changes happen. … Continued

Breaking Up With A Vendor Is Hard To Do

Business partnerships don’t always last forever. Business directions can change and with these changes, decisions need to be made. The same applies for vendor and reseller partner relationships. Reseller partners must continually look at their business strategies and the vendors they are partnering with to ensure that their partnerships continue to make sense for them. … Continued