Photos from the Channel Dynamics End-of-2011 Party

Once again, the industry braved a cold and wet Sydney night (we just seem to pick rainy nights) to attend the Channel Dynamics End-of-Year party! This wonderful networking event provided Vendors, Distributors, Resellers and Press the opportunity to mingle in a casual, friendly atmosphere, while sampling a delicious selection of wines and canapés. And this … Continued

Photos from the 2011 ARN IT Industry Awards

The 2011 ARN IT Industry Awards have been announced and presented at a glittering event at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney. Attended by 630 IT industry leaders, the Awards recognised the very best in the channel for 2011. We hope you enjoy this selection of photos from this fabulous event. IN PICTURES: 2011 ARN IT … Continued

The 8 Most Crucial Sales Skills

An interesting article from Sales Machine blogger – Geoffrey James – on the 8 Most Crucial Sales Skills. Although it’s based on a consolidation of inputs from various sources, the key skills identified here absolutely resonate with everything we teach in our Dynamic Solution Selling workshop. Do you agree? Are there any others missing?

Roundtable: Security Guide For The Cloud

The cloud ‘security strategy’ involves adopting security solutions that seamlessly span physical, virtual and private/hybrid/public cloud environments while simplifying operational and management complexities. Roundtable attendees (including Cam Wayland from Channel Dynamics) got down to business, discussion the ‘practical steps’ and issues and opportunities involved in securing the cloud environment. The following is an edited transcript … Continued

How To Communicate Your Value

The term “self promotion” often carries a negative connotation – and with good reason. No one enjoys associating with someone whose solution to every problem starts – and ends – with the letter “I”. At the same time, unless others know what you do – and can do – chances are they will never realize … Continued

Why Sales Goals and Diets Don’t Work

The start of a new year. A time when we set goals for ourselves (if you still remember the New Years Resolutions you made late in the night), and also a time when we set goals for our business and our partners. But goals are funny things. They definitely motivate, but only for a while. … Continued

Roundtable: The Ideal Datacentre

The datacentre of the future is shaped by a number of forces including commoditisation, virtualisation, integration and innovation. A group of industry experts (including Cam Wayland from Channel Dynamics) sat down to discuss the key factors shaping the evolution of the datacentre of the future and its impact on the channel. The following is an … Continued

Photos from the Channel Dynamics 2010 End-of-Year Party

Despite what was one of the wettest days of a very wet week, the industry braved the elements to celebrate the year that was, and look forward to 2011, at the Channel Dynamics End-of-Year party! Vendors, Distributors, Resellers and the Press mingled in a casual, friendly atmosphere, while sampling a delicious selection of wines and … Continued

Consulting Room: What Are Your Sales Growth Options?

It may be 50 years old, but the Ansoff Growth matrix is still an “oldie but a goodie” when it comes to partners and/or vendors deciding on the best strategy for sales growth. Developed by Igor Ansoff – a Russian immigrant who went on to become known as the father of strategic management – this … Continued

Talk With Your Hands

In many of our workshops, we talk about the importance of building trust with partners. If your partners don’t trust you or feel that you believe in what you’re saying, then your message will be relegated to the big file of unmemorable sales presentations. “Trust is established through congruence — that perfect alignment between what … Continued