11 Cloud Trends That Will Dominate in 2016

The Cloud and its associated business models and platforms have been touted as one of the biggest disruptors of the digital age. While the arrival of the Cloud has resulted in many huge changes in the IT industry it seems that there are still many more to come as we see the Cloud evolve and … Continued

Challenges Of Being A Channel Chief

Heading up and successfully leading an IT channel business is a tough job. While the sales figures are always important, for channel leaders there are other critical factors at play that must not only be considered but also prioritised. It is has become clear that in order to be successful, one of the more critical … Continued

Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People

Heading into a new year is often a great time to stop and really think about what we want for the year ahead, be it in our professional lives, our personal lives, or both. As the saying goes, nothing changes if nothing changes, and the fact remains that we have to consciously make changes happen. … Continued

Breaking Up With A Vendor Is Hard To Do

Business partnerships don’t always last forever. Business directions can change and with these changes, decisions need to be made. The same applies for vendor and reseller partner relationships. Reseller partners must continually look at their business strategies and the vendors they are partnering with to ensure that their partnerships continue to make sense for them. … Continued

Technology Predictions for 2016

It could be said that 2015 has been the year of the Cloud. Of course there have been other significant technologies that have impacted businesses in 2015, but the Cloud has certainly dominated. Organisations transitioning to subscription based business models to service their customers changing requirements has been a huge focus for the IT Channel … Continued

Brainstorming and How Innovation Really Works

Vendors, Distributors and Partners love to talk about being disruptors and innovators. They cite examples of how Uber disrupted the taxi industry, Airbnb the hotel industry, and Netflix the television industry. But how many of the organisations in our industry truly understand what it means to be so innovative that you can completely disrupt your … Continued

Solution Selling Is Dead

‘Solution Selling’ is a term we have all heard a million times before. Anyone who has worked in a sales or marketing related position in the channel has been exposed to either training or at the very least marketing material that is based on solution selling. It has been around for quite some time now … Continued

Secrets Of A Perfect MSP Partner Program

We are all aware of the amount of change that the arrival of the cloud has brought to the channel and to our industry. We have spoken at length about the changes required for partner businesses as they transition to Managed Service based business models, what happens with their infrastructure and what this means for … Continued

5 Questions You Should Ask to Maximise Training ROI

It is often easier for other people to see what is not working in an organisation when they are looking from the outside in. When looking introspectively our thinking is often clouded as we are too close to everything within the business to view things with an objective or alternative perspective. This is why an … Continued

The Financial Case For Moving To The Cloud

While there is so much talk about partners moving their businesses to subscription based models and becoming Managed Service Providers, it would seem there are still many end users who are yet to make the leap to the Cloud. Why is this the case when it seems that at every turn partners are changing their … Continued