Uncovering The Issues Slowing Down Your Channel Sales

A high performing channel program requires a consistent communications message, and effective engagement with partners. But surprisingly, a substantial amount of money is wasted each year on ineffective partner sales and marketing programs. Even more of a concern, is that many vendors don’t really understand what their channel really thinks of them.
Through our channel research and audits, Channel Dynamics will help you identify the effectiveness of your channel programs, and determine what to do to gain the commitment and loyalty of your channel partners.
We have a thorough understanding of the channel, and can therefore provide an insightful analysis of the results. Our interviews are confidential, so we can uncover issues that partners may not want to share with you directly for fear of impacting their relationship. In particular, the calibre of our consultants means that it is possible for us to engage a channel partner on the phone for longer, and ask in-depth questions that provide you with the answers you need.
By helping you benchmark your organisation against world’s best practice, we can assist you to create efficiencies that improve the performance and profitability of your channel engagement, and help you drive revenue.