The arrival of social media has precipitated many changes in the way we consume goods and services and more precisely the way we decide which goods and services (or brands) to consume. This is not only true in the B2C world but has spilled into the B2B world too.
Nicohle Gunn of the Incentive Solutions Group believes that social media is now influencing the brands that B2B consumers utilise. This is put down to the fact that B2B marketers are using the same social media platforms to promote their brands as the B2C organisations. This means that B2B consumers are getting their brand information from the same place and in the same ways as B2C consumers and as such should be treated in the same way.
This is particularly relevant for the channel where B2B consumption dominates. In order to survive and thrive in this new era, Nichole argues that our marketing programs and incentives need to evolve. Read on to understand how best to position your brand for success in a world where Businesses are now acting like Consumers.
Channel Partners Are More Like Consumers Than You Think