Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

Welcome… Ryan Parker!

Channel Dynamics is thrilled to announce Ryan Parker is now a permanent part of the team. Ryan has been working with the Channel Dynamics team in a part time capacity for the last 6 years, but has now come onboard as a Director in the company. His focus will be helping vendors develop channel strategy … Continued

Why Search is No Longer All About Google

How we search the internet now has changed dramatically compared to when Google owned the world. We are searching for more than just web pages and using search technology that goes beyond just looking up text. Mark Ward, a technology correspondent for BBC News states in this article “Once upon a time, Google was the … Continued

CompTIA June Update and Save The Date

Every year CompTIA donates $10,000 to a charity, on behalf of the ANZ Channel Community. This year, the community instead chose to donate $5,000 to two charities – one in Australia and one in New Zealand. 5 Charities were nominated from each country, and members were asked to cast a vote for their preferred charity. Voting … Continued

How to Create Greater Sales Loyalty

While the old adages of “customer comes first” and “customer is always right” are often thrown around externally, what gets said (and acted upon) internally within organisations is often vastly different, leading to an entirely different customer experience. This was highlighted in two of our recent consulting projects involving clients asking us to investigate why … Continued

It’s EOFY… don’t waste your training budget!

It’s the end of the financial year, and you may have an MDF or training budget that hasn’t been spent. Make sure you don’t let it go to waste! Research shows that training increases staff retention and staff motivation. Employers that provide quality training create a workforce that is motivated and loyal. Channel Dynamics offers training … Continued

10 Body Language Tips for Leaders

In May, we had a focus on leadership and presentations… CompTIA held their ANZ Channel Community meeting on Leadership, and Moheb Moses gave us a great article using PowerPoint to manage partners. This month, we focus on a skill that goes hand in hand with these themes – body language. Good body language is crucial for … Continued

May Channel Community Meetings Wrap-Up

The first CompTIA ANZ Channel Community meetings for 2019 were held last month in Sydney and Melbourne and our first ever meeting was held in New Zealand. Moheb Moses, Director and Co-Founder of Channel Dynamics, is also the CompTIA Community Director. Moheb opened these meetings and introduced the amazing speakers. Sydney gave us Brent Valle, … Continued

Channel Excellence Open Workshop Announced!

We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be running our first open training course – the Dynamic Channel Excellence workshop! Those of you that have attended our courses over the years know that they have always been tailored for a specific organisation, and require a minimum of 6 people. However, we often get requests from individuals who want … Continued

Channel Community Meetings in Syd/Melb/NZ

They’re Here! The CompTIA Channel Community Meetings for the ANZ Channel are happening this month. We have meetings in Sydney, Melbourne, and for the first time, Auckland. Our Sydney and Melbourne meetings will feature Brent Valle, founder of The Future Phase, speaking about adopting a Leadership mindset (for both managers, and those aspiring to be … Continued

Manage Partners? Then Use PowerPoint Better

Over the last 12 months, the training course I have delivered most often has been our Dynamic Sales Presentations workshop. This has been incredibly gratifying for me personally, as I have long been an advocate of the importance of presentation skills for Channel Account Managers, particularly when dealing with partners/MSPs, where the challenge is not … Continued