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Time to Rethink Channel Incentives

For decades, channel professionals have used channel incentives to drive behaviour, whether establishing new behaviours, suppressing old ones, or repositioning partners for a new opportunity. Incentives are also effective in masking deficiencies in business value propositions. However, several converging trends have challenged traditional thinking in channel incentive programs. In this article, Jay McBain – Principal … Continued

5 Steps for Negotiating a Better Margin

It doesn’t matter what our role is within the channel, we are constantly in situations where we have to negotiate… whether it’s with partners, customers, suppliers, staff, management, or colleagues. While we might often strive for a Win/Win outcome, our tendency is to slip into old habits and immediately look for ways to haggle or … Continued

How To Pick Technology Winners

Have you ever wondered some innovations become as prevalent as smartphones, while others, such as jet packs, don’t take off? In this article Peter Schwarz, a Technology Futurist, explains how to choose technology winners. Although this is not a fail-safe method, there are three key factors he identifies for improving your chances of choosing a … Continued

Forget The Cloud, Soon It’ll Be The Edge

Slow performance even with a good internet connection? Sluggish response times? There may be a solution. Technology is constantly improving and smart devices and personal computers are now more accessible to a broader range of users than ever before. At the moment nearly all data we generate is processed via the internet in a cloud. … Continued

5G Is Nearly Here, Now What?

The fifth generation of wireless technology promises lightning-fast speed, incredibly low latency, and the capacity to carry massive numbers of connections simultaneously. Carriers around the world are now trialling 5G wireless communications with the networks and technology going live during 2019. There have been numerous terms to describe the potential impact 5G will have on … Continued

Save The Date: CompTIA May Community Meeting

The new Executive Council have been very busy developing plans for the May Community Meeting. We would be thrilled if you would save the date for this Sydney Community meeting, being held on May 14th at Doltone House, Pyrmont in Sydney. The theme for this meeting is ‘Adopting a Leadership Mindset’. The EC have organised a … Continued

5G and Smart Cities

Smart Cities are not a new concept. We have been hearing about these since the push into 4G, so why will it be different with 5G?  The real benefit to Smart cities from 5G comes from its capacity and low latency. It is these attributes that enable the deployment of more IoT sensors which can … Continued

How To Get People To Embrace Change

Change has such a prominent place in the IT industry. We deal with it constantly, help our customers prepare for it and are always on the lookout for the next big technology change coming our way. The fact is however that most people don’t like change. Technology changes can often result in organisational changes and … Continued

Achieving Win/Win Outcomes With Partners

How often do you hear channel account managers or sales reps talking about wanting a Win/Win outcome with partners? But have you ever stopped to think what that actually means? A Win/Win means that the rep wins (ie. gets what they wanted) but also the partner gets what they wanted. The problem is that, not … Continued

How To Unlock Your Teams Creativity

Creativity and innovation are intrinsic to one another. And while the importance of innovation to the success of a business is well documented, I wonder how many leaders and managers encourage creativity amongst their team members both individually and collectively? It is all too easy to roll out the same strategies that have been used … Continued