Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

Are You Selling Benefits or Advantages

Whether you are a partner (ie. VAR, MSP, SI, etc) selling to end-users, or a vendor promoting your technology to the channel, are you selling genuine benefits or simply selling advantages? More importantly, do you know the difference, and the enormous impact this has in helping you close business? In this article, we look at … Continued

30 Ways to Improve Your Leadership in 30 Days

While it is great to go into detail around leadership strategies and what you need to do in order to be an effective/strong/well liked/smart (the list can go on forever) leader, sometimes it is helpful to simply read a list of things you can change immediately for immediate results.  Being a great leader takes hard … Continued

Cloud Service Providers Set for Business Model Overhaul

The absolute truth when it comes to most things in life is that the only constant is change. Technology evolves at an incredible rate and as a result customer needs and demands change. Being agile enough to respond to these needs is key to success. Being at the forefront of these changes and possibly slightly … Continued

CompTIA End of Year Celebration Meetings

While the year end is barrelling towards us and we all start turning our attention to the Christmas rush, CompTIA still have their last two Community events for 2018 to come.  Given the success of our last Meetup held in July, we are running another one in Melbourne on November 13 again at WeWork on … Continued

Not Being a Trusted Advisor Can Be an Advantage

This month I am continuing on from Moheb’s feature article in our August newsletter, that explained the four traits of being a trusted advisor. I am going to start by making a controversial comment and suggest that being a trusted advisor should NOT necessarily be the primary goal for every Channel Account Manager (CAM), and certainly … Continued

CompTIA Community Events

CompTIA have great things planned for the channel community over the coming weeks to round out 2018. We have a Webinar on October 17th, a Community Meeting on November 14th in Sydney and a Meetup in Melbourne on November 13th. All great events that we are sure you will benefit from attending. The webinar topic is … Continued

The Four Traits of a Trusted Advisor

If I had to pick my most annoying phrase right now, it would be “Trusted Advisor”. Greatly overused, often misrepresented, and largely misunderstood, those two words are now well and truly entrenched in the “Meeting Bingo” category – they seem to get bandied about without any particular definition or consideration. But while I may hate … Continued

The Biggest MSP Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Today there are a significant number of partners in the market that made the leap to becoming Managed Service Partners (MSPs) and have been running successfully for some time. While we have seen so much about what a services business model needs to do to be successful, nothing is more powerful than hearing from successful … Continued