Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

How To Grow Your Business Using Vendor MDF

Author: Grant Cleary MDF – it’s that 3 letter acronym many of us love to hear! Market development funds or MDF are used by vendors in the channel to enable service providers, resellers and distributors to market their products and solutions, and build brand awareness. MDF may be allocated to partners as a percentage of … Continued

CompTIA ANZ Meeting Wrap Up and August Webinar

The ANZ CompTIA Community is going from strength to strength thanks to you! With community membership at over 2,000 and participation growing, the meetings and webinars are fast becoming recognised as delivering real value to IT channel professionals. The July Community meeting was a resounding success, with it being the biggest and best held to … Continued

9 Big Ideas from Channel Chiefs

The only thing that is certain in the channel is change. Because of this it is important to be across the changes and trends that are taking place in the channel as they happen. This however is easier said than done. When you are so engaged in the day to day happenings of your job … Continued

The Value Of A Three Tier Pricing Strategy

We are currently working with a mid-market VAR/MSP on their business transformation process. In addition to looking at their sales team structure and size, we are also examining their overall profitability. Our first question was to determine how they set the price for their client offerings. Like many companies, they look at the cost of … Continued

Create Winning Sales Proposals

If you’ve ever attended Channel Dynamics sales training, you’ve probably heard us talk about the ideal sales proposal structure, and the importance of presenting your proposals in person. Our experience has shown that your close rate increases exponentially when you present you proposals in person (even if it is via a video conference call). So we’re … Continued

How Not To Exhibit Yourself At Tradeshows

It’s an expensive exercise to exhibit your company at a trade show. Yet so many companies exhibit themselves poorly, leaving these events with little more than sore feet. So what should you do to maximise the return on your investment? At my recent visit to CeBIT I saw lots of examples of this, reminding me … Continued


If you have not already heard about the ARN EDGE event it is time you did! EDGE is the leading annual destination channel conference for Australia and New Zealand, bringing together both sides of the Tasman in a collaborative and educational environment. EDGE 2017 will host more than 250 high-level A/NZ ICT industry executives, through an action … Continued

CompTIA ANZ July Community Meeting

We constantly hear that technology has evolved and the channel is changing, but what does that actually mean for how organisations partner in the channel? How can Vendors, Distributors, Solution Providers and MSPs partner better, and what are the ramifications for existing relationships? Will this new model be beneficial, or detrimental, to your future? CompTIA, … Continued