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Maybe It’s YOU That’s Not Adding Value!

It’s funny how things come in waves. In the last month, I’ve had four conversations with four different vendors, concerned that their sales team is not engaging the channel because their reps believe partners add no value. And while I agree that there are certainly partners who add no value, we obviously wouldn’t be in … Continued

5 Ways Partners Can Master Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is a phrase that we are hearing more and more of, not only in the IT Industry, but in the business world in general. Businesses are undergoing digital transformation across almost all industries and for most, this is a process that they have to go through in order to stay competitive, current and … Continued

The Right Partner Experience: The Importance Of People

We often talk about the customer experience and how important a positive customer experience is for a partner’s success. What we don’t often discuss though is the partner experience, which is highly important for vendor success. Diane Krakora from Partner Path quotes recent research indicating that not only is the Partner experience critical for vendors, … Continued

The Journey of Partner Business Transformation

We recently did some work with the senior management team of a mid-market VAR/Service Provider on how they adapt their business model with the continuing growth of Cloud & XaaS. Our analysis identified several external forces acting upon their business, as well as internal pressures, and helped them create a set of priorities of what … Continued

Sizing Up The Security Spectrum

Cam Wayland recently participated in an ARN roundtable discussion with a variety of vendors to explore the Security Spectrum and where the channel can really play a role. The discussions that were held were informative and productive in fleshing out what the security market and issues are looking like for 2017 and beyond. It seems … Continued

Generation Y Should Be Plotting A Revolution

The recent ANZ CompTIA Community meeting was focused on the fact that today we have a multi-generational workforce. Given people are remaining in the workforce for longer, there have never been more generations working together than there are now, so we are in unchartered waters. Further to this, it interesting that it’s the youngest generation … Continued

Forget The Pecking Order At Work

Margaret Heffernan is a well know ‘Management Thinker’. She has been the CEO of 5 different organisations and has a wealth of experience when it comes to the management, success and productivity of teams. In this TED talk Margaret looks at the concept of the ‘star performer’ and how the general assumption is that the … Continued

Ten Lessons From Trump For Channel Managers

On the 20th January 2017, Donald J. Trump, an American businessman and television personality with no prior government experience, became the 45th President of the United States, in what many consider to be one of the biggest upsets in American political history. Since then, he has gone on to lead what many consider to be … Continued

Managing a Multigenerational Workforce

Today’s workforce is multigenerational and this can present both opportunities and challenges to those charged with management positions. How do you get the best from a multigenerational workforce? What will motivate and inspire a millennial is going to very different to what will motivate and inspire a baby boomer. So how do managers work with … Continued