Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

Successful Sales Qualification

For those of you that work in a sales role you know how important sales lead qualification is. It is the step in the sales process that can ultimately lead you to winning more business, and wasting less of your time. This brief article and video from Engage Selling by Colleen Francis is short and … Continued

The Top 7 Ways To Sell Your IT Services Business

When it comes to your Managed Services business, we talk a lot about what your business model should look like and what you need to be doing in order to be successful. What is not often discussed is how you should approach or even start to consider the steps and process associated with the sale … Continued

Do You Honestly Believe You Are A Disruptor?

If “Cloud” was the most overused word for 2015, then “Digital Disruption” would have to be my #1 pick for 2016. I’m struggling to think of a vendor event that I attended last year that didn’t reference at least Uber, AirBnB or Netflix in the opening slides; the message of course being … Disrupt (like … Continued

Time To Make The Cloud Rain

The Cloud and it’s aaS business model has promised to offer businesses a more consistent revenue stream. It has also offered businesses the promise of being a potentially much more profitable business model than traditional IT business models. The latest research however is showing that this is not actually always the case and there are … Continued

Building a Managed Services Business

The Managed Services Business model has been a much researched and discussed topic in the IT industry over the past few years. While it is no longer new, it seems that many organisations are still grappling with how to successfully transition their business models across to a Managed Services Business model and how to identify … Continued

Top 17 Tech Trends for 2017

At this time of year it is always interesting to see what is predicted in terms of trends for the year ahead in our industry. The cloud was of course highly evident in the recent years, along with the Internet of Everything and Cyber Security. So what does 2017 hold? In this article from Forbes, … Continued

CompTIA ANZ November Community Meeting

CompTIA ANZ recently held their 5th Channel Community Meeting in Sydney with enormous success. The theme of the meeting was Sales and Marketing in The Channel and the line-up of key note speakers was second to none. They included the best-selling author and key note speaker Tony Hughes, B2B IT Marketing Specialist Melanie Unwin and … Continued

Lessons For MSPs From a “Free” Phone App

I’m fascinated by some of the games available on phones nowadays (which is kind of interesting given that I don’t play them). But what I find interesting is not the game itself, but rather the business model behind how it makes money for its developers. One of my favourites is Candy Crush – a “free” … Continued

Evaluating Underperforming Channel Partners

As a vendor, evaluating and addressing underperforming channel partners and distributors is an ongoing challenge. While the channel provides scale and reach that vendors can only obtain through the use of channel partners, it does mean that an element of control is lost when it comes to the ‘extended sales force’. This raises the question, … Continued

Three Myths of The 67 Percent Statistic

A large chunk of a buyer’s journey for any product or service is now completed online. The sales and marketing consultants Sirius Decisions recently completed some research that not only supports this statistic but also adds that this statistic is in fact true, no matter who the buyer is, be it a normal everyday consumer … Continued