Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

Moving to the Cloud? … Change your Comp Plan

Over the years, I’ve had several sales managers tell me their sales people are “coin-operated”. In other words, they are motivated purely by their pay packet. So all you need to do is give reps a sales target, give them a commission plan, and set them loose (and the good ones will deliver the results). … Continued

Colleen Francis Talks Sales Compensation

Sales team compensation plans are a hotly debated topic by both employers and employees alike. Sales people drive revenue for any business so it is imperative they are compensated and incentivised in the best way possible. The question is, what is the best way possible? It would seem that there is no single answer to … Continued

Seven Methods For Improving Channel Incentives ROI

If you have worked in the channel (at a vendor or a partner) in virtually any role, you would have either seen or been a part of SPIFFs and incentive programs of some form or another. You probably have also seen that these SPIFFs and incentive programs tend to be run with mixed results, for … Continued

Dan Pink Revisited: The Puzzle Of Motivation

Early last year we wrote a blog article that introduced you to Dan Pink and his theories on motivation. This was such an insightful video, and tit fitted so perfectly into our topic this month, that we couldn’t resist posting it again. Dan believes that while financial incentives can and often do work to motivate … Continued

The Evolution of the Ransomware Business Model

Ransomware attacks are one thing that I have started to see and hear more and more of lately. This type of malicious software, designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money (ransom) is paid, is wreaking havoc for partners and their customers. Recently I was trying to get hold of … Continued

The Security Landscape Has Changed

In March, CompTIA ran their ANZ IT Channel Community Meetings in both Sydney and Melbourne, with a central them on Security in the ICT Industry. As part of the agenda, Damien Manuel from Blue Coat delivered the key note address on Security in 2016. There was also a panel of Security professionals from 4 vendors … Continued

Ten Things You Should Know About Cyber Security

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to ensuring you and your client’s organisations are properly protected from an IT Security perspective. With security threats constantly changing, it is difficult to know what the key protection points are today and whether one aspect of your business poses more of a … Continued

Hackers: The Internets Immune System

We all know that with constantly changing threats to our cyber security comes constantly changing technology designed to protect us. These threats have created a situation that forces the development and innovation of new technologies.  This interesting TED Talk by Keren Elazari provides a very alternative look at the impact Hackers have on the ICT … Continued

What Customers Expect From Their MSP In 2016

If you are a regular reader of our newsletter, you would have seen that Channel Dynamics has been working with global not-for-profit channel association CompTIA to establish an ANZ IT Channel “Community” to advance the industry through education, research, networking events and professional certifications. Last year, CompTIA worked with research firm After Nines Inc to … Continued