Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

The Recurring Dream Of Subscription Software

The hottest topic in the IT Channel right now has to be businesses transitioning to the cloud. This is a hugely relevant article focused on companies making this leap to a subscription based revenue model. As the article states, ‘the transition of software from on-premise to the cloud is nothing short of a revolution’ and … Continued

Rethinking Partner Enablement For Cloud

Author: Cam Wayland We are working with a vendor that is transitioning its portfolio of products and partners to be more annuity or XaaS orientated. This includes evaluating their partner enablement material and approach so either existing or new partners could successfully sell the Cloud or XaaS solutions. Our findings suggest that using the same … Continued

Why Self Image Matters In B2B Sales

The sales process is not often simple. Obtaining sign off on a deal of almost any size requires many meetings and presentations to different people within a business. Sales people spend these meetings proving the value of their solution and specifically how it will help solve a customer’s problems. It is well known that as … Continued

Channel Loyalty In 2015

We are hearing and reading so much about the changing landscape of the channel. We hear how the evolution of Cloud means that businesses need to make fundamental changes to their business models and the way they go to market. It is a case of either evolve with the industry or you won’t survive. These … Continued

How To Sell To Different Personality Types

We come across all sorts of people in our working lives, all with different personalities. Further to this, we have to find a way of working with these different personalities to get our jobs done, whatever they may be. While people generally don’t sit neatly into pre-defined personality categories, you can normally group people broadly … Continued

Rethinking The Value Of Customers In A Cloudy World

Recently we have been working with a number of service providers building out their channel and XaaS offerings. The first part of the process is helping them to clearly define their target customer, and as a result what will be the best type of partner to acquire and service this customer. The second thing we … Continued

Your Incentive Program May Be Producing Poorer Results

Many of us have to motivate or incentivise people that we work with as part of our job. Most of you reading this piece would work with sales staff or channel partners that you need motivate and incentivise every quarter in an effort to reach sales targets. Either way we tend to use financial incentives … Continued

Nine Disruptive Channel Marketing Trends For 2015

Chris Kenton, the founder of the organisation SocialRep, recently wrote an article published on LinkedIn about the channel marketing trends tipped for 2015. Based on a larger body of work that Chris is completing, he interviewed a large number of Channel Marketing Executives and Managers to understand what challenges they are facing in growing partner … Continued