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Be First In Line For Vendor Leads

Every partner wants to be on the receiving end of leads from their vendors. What’s more vendors often promise leads as rewards for certain partner behaviour such as training, certification and marketing activity. Partners invest their time, money and resources into a vendor and want to be rewarded accordingly. What is it however that truly … Continued

Partner Program Design Checklist

We have recently been asked by a couple of clients to help them design, build and implement a new partner program, either as a re-launch of an existing program or as their first serious attempt at recruiting and managing partners. We hope this article provides an insight into what to do, what not to do, … Continued

CRN Simplicity Is Key To Rebate Success

Many vendors today offer a rebate program to their key partners as part of their broader Partner Program. A good rebate program will be designed to incent and reward partners for achieving predetermined sales goals and or meeting specific objectives related to sales success. Many vendors find rebate programs to be extremely effective for motivating … Continued

ARN State Of The IT Channel Report

If you haven’t already seen it, take yourself over to the ARN website and download ARN’s 2014 State of The IT Channel Report. It is a compilation of data based on responses from over 200 people in senior management positions within the ICT industry, including our own Moheb Moses. Information is available on topics ranging … Continued

Six Tips For Running Better Meetings

Finally, it’s your turn at the helm doing a partner review or facilitating an important meeting. Prove yourself in front of your peers and partners, and you’ve proved yourself full stop. Allow yourself to be the ringmaster in a cacophony of bad or no decision making, however, and it’s as though you drilled a hole … Continued

Paretos Principle And The Channel

In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country. He had observed that 80 percent of the property in Italy was owned by 20 percent of the people. It was Quality Management Pioneer Dr Joseph Juran however who suggested the principle within his field … Continued

ARN 2014 Award Nominations Now Open

The ARN awards have quickly become the industry’s leading event for recognising channel excellence. We have seen the tremendous influence these awards have on building the credibility and profile of the nominees and winners and the opportunities that can arise as a result. Nominations are now open and we urge all of our clients to … Continued

Channel Master Class (Singapore)

Channel Dynamic’s Cam Wayland will be running a Master Class on Channel Excellence and a Workshop on Channel Management in Singapore on July 9 and 10. The Master class will cover the principles of creating a high-performance channel (ie. building a strategy, recruiting, developing and managing partners) and give the participants a high level overview … Continued

Making The Most Of Your Mistakes

Every partner experiences customer complaints at one point or another. Adding to this issue in today’s world is that customers now have more opportunity and more platforms upon which they can discuss and highlight their dissatisfaction. The social media options abound (facebook, twitter, web forums etc.) in which customers can voice their issues with a … Continued