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Free Entry to CeBIT 2014

Channel Dynamics is delighted to offer a FREE Exhibition Ticket for our subscribers to CeBIT Australia 2014. With over 400 exhibitors and 30,000 business visitors, CeBIT has become Australia’s largest Business IT Event, providing the leading business technology platform for decision makers across all industries and government. To take advantage of your free registration, simply … Continued

Why Investing In Staff Training Is Always Money Well Spent

A well trained staff member is worth their weight in gold to their employer. They are equipped with the skills required to complete their job and complete it well, they feel confident in their abilities and consequently they generally experience greater levels of job satisfaction. This all good news for the employer. These staff members … Continued

ARN Likes To Know What Cam Has To Say

Take a moment to read through some of these interesting articles recently printed in ARN with contributions from our very own Cam Wayland. Cam offers his thoughts on the growth of the IoT, debates the death of the traditional reseller and discusses how smart resellers are experiencing success with Cloud. Click on the links below … Continued

A Race to the Bottom?

If your Cloud strategy is based on price, think again. This recent announcement from Google shows just how far prices are coming down. No doubt we will see a response from the other players. So as a partner, it is crucial that your Cloud offering is based on value and not just price. On another … Continued

McKinsey Survey On Evolving IT Priorities

While our focus is of course the channel, nothing happens in the channel without an end user making a decision about what or how they use IT for. Therefore this month we have provided a summary of the recent McKinsey Global IT Survey that looks at the evolving priorities and expectations of IT within the … Continued

Photos from the Cloud Ecosystem Forum

ARN and NZ Reseller News recently hosted the Cloud Ecosystem Forum in Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney, sponsored by IBM. Attendees were treated to an introduction to some of the problems with building a Cloud ecosystem, followed by a rundown on how to engage partners by Channel Dynamics’ Moheb Moses. A expert panel discussion followed, featuring … Continued

2013: The Year Cloud Took Over

In this article, Allan Swann from ARN interviews a number of industry experts (including Moheb Moses from Channel Dynamics) about their view of the last 12 months, and the response is largely unanimous: Cloud was the key facet that defined channel business in 2013. But that was just one of the key points that emerged … Continued

Are You Focusing on the Right Clients?

In order to be profitable, you need to know which clients (or partners) you should spend your time with and which ones you should let go. In fact, in some cases, it might be best to let a client go so you can spend your time and other resources on a more lucrative account. In … Continued