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Challenge Your MDF Program Design

Recently we were asked to review the MDF program for a vendor who was concerned that they were not getting the best return for their marketing dollars. Part of the brief was to look at ideas that were “outside the box”, but could still be implemented rapidly across multiple regions. In addition, any solution had … Continued

Channel Dynamics Proudly Supports Earth Hour 2012

On March 31, hundreds of millions of global citizens, from 135 countries, will unite once again in the action of “lights out”. Channel Dynamics has pledged its support to be one of them. Earth Hour was conceived by WWF (The World Wide Fund for nature) and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, when 2.2 million … Continued

Does The Perfect Vendor Really Exist?

I recently had the privilege to attend the ARN roundtable discussion where Dell and Intel were the key sponsors, and so much was discussed about the development Dell’s channel engagement and program. While there was robust discussion amongst the participants about Dell’s (and other vendors’) engagement, the conversation actually began with the changes in customer … Continued

Stay Game, Stay In The Game

It would be a stunning understatement to say that much has changed since the first issue of CRN was published in Australia in early 1998. Today, for its 300th issue, editor David Binning talks with some of the leading consultants in the industry, including Channel Dynamics’ Moheb Moses, about how companies need to get better, … Continued

How to Give a Killer Product Demonstration

Anyone who has attended a great product demonstration knows how powerful they can be in creating demand. When you see a product at its best (or more importantly, see yourself using the product at its best) you can’t wait to get your hands on it. Apple knows that, Adobe knows that, Microsoft used to know … Continued

Photos from the Channel Dynamics End-of-2011 Party

Once again, the industry braved a cold and wet Sydney night (we just seem to pick rainy nights) to attend the Channel Dynamics End-of-Year party! This wonderful networking event provided Vendors, Distributors, Resellers and Press the opportunity to mingle in a casual, friendly atmosphere, while sampling a delicious selection of wines and canapés. And this … Continued

Photos from the 2011 ARN IT Industry Awards

The 2011 ARN IT Industry Awards have been announced and presented at a glittering event at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney. Attended by 630 IT industry leaders, the Awards recognised the very best in the channel for 2011. We hope you enjoy this selection of photos from this fabulous event. IN PICTURES: 2011 ARN IT … Continued

Treat Your Vendors Like Customers

Look up the definition of “customer” in pretty much any dictionary and you’ll get a definition that goes something like “a person or organisation that buys goods or services from you”. But smart resellers understand that their customers include another definition, namely, “a person or organisation that SELLS goods or services TO you”. I’m talking … Continued

The 8 Most Crucial Sales Skills

An interesting article from Sales Machine blogger – Geoffrey James – on the 8 Most Crucial Sales Skills. Although it’s based on a consolidation of inputs from various sources, the key skills identified here absolutely resonate with everything we teach in our Dynamic Solution Selling workshop. Do you agree? Are there any others missing?

Sell through Partners, not to them

It is a constant source of surprise to me how often Channel Managers (and I’m talking about intelligent, professional, and experienced individuals) inflict product presentations on their partners that they would never want to sit through themselves. Ask someone what they hate about PowerPoint, and you nearly always get the same answers (too many slides, … Continued