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No Free Gifts!

Author: Colleen Francis Despite your best attempts to sell value and remain firm on your price, some clients will press ahead with their request for a discount. After a solid attempt from you to reassure them that your price is fair, if your prospect is still pushing for a discount, you have a choice. Walk … Continued

Successful Selling

The economic downturn is being blamed for a lot of things, not least its impact on customer spending. In the first of ARN’s four-part series on How To Survive The Economic Downturn, Moheb Moses and Cam Wayland share their opinions on ways IT providers can fine tune their sales and marketing strategies to keep winning … Continued

Managing the Channel in Uncertain Times

As the press fluctuates between “doom and gloom” and “light at the end of the tunnel” scenarios, the only thing we can be certain of in the short term is “uncertainty”. And while the financial system is predominantly at the centre of this turmoil, the current global financial situation (coupled with the significantly lower and … Continued

2009 channel resolution – review your plans

By now the holidays are becoming a distant memory and it is either the beginning of a new financial year for some, or the run to the finish for others. Welcome to 2009, a year that will undoubtedly have its share of ups and downs – hopefully more ups if some structured channel planning is … Continued

Distributors – Why bother?

Author: Nick Verykios Beyond the question of “which distributor should a vendor partner with?”, a more relevant question in many cases is – “do I even bother contracting a distributor?” There is an old Buddhist philosophy that suggests in order to cut through the root of all phenomena and our attachment to its false representations, … Continued

Become The Market Leader

While many resellers have a strong sales strategy, they often fall down when it comes to marketing. Mistakenly, many believe sales and marketing are synonymous. In this article that appeared in CRN, Cam Wayland shares his opinion on why it doesn’t have to be expensive, and how targeted marketing messages can help you stand out … Continued

Getting Your Message Across

Selling has been described as “a transfer of enthusiasm.” And as sales people, it’s our job to talk about our company or product to our customers (and in some cases, our suppliers) in a way that transfers our enthusiasm. In this article that appeared in CRN, Moheb Moses shares several simple steps on how to … Continued

ARN IT Industry Awards 2008 – Winners Announced

The second annual ARN IT Industry Awards went off with a bang at the Sydney Hilton Hotel last night. The event was attended by 520 representatives from across the industry and kicked off with a buzzing champagne reception. Guests then headed into the ballroom for the main awards event. Former Wallaby, noted author and journalist, … Continued

Sell To Your Vendor

Vendors often complain that they have allocated Marketing Development Funds (MDF or Co-Op) to resellers, but it’s not being used. And resellers will complain that they would like to find ways to grow their business but don’t have the money to do it. In this article that appeared in ARN, Moheb Moses shares his thoughts … Continued

Partner Recruitment – “Selection” not “Collection”

The success of any business is largely dependent on the quality of people it recruits. Similarly for vendors, the success of a channel program is largely dependent on the quality of partner it recruits. However, few vendors really devote as much time to their partner recruitment strategy as they do to their staff recruitment. In … Continued