Keeping You Up To Date With The Latest Channel News

Chris Fitzgerald Appointed to the Executive Council

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Chris Fitzgerald – Managing Director, Soft Solutions (NZ) – to be the newest member to join the CompTIA Executive Council. Chris is a proven leader with 25+ years at the helm of New Zealand distribution company Soft Solutions, a company with 23 staff and representing a number of key … Continued

Positive Outcomes From COVID-19

Over the last few months there has been much written about the impact COVID-19 is having on employment, business, social activities, sport, etc… most of it negative. This month I wanted to share some thoughts and examples of how the pandemic has had positive effects on the ICT industry and the people that work within … Continued

5 Actions to Boost Your Sales Organisation’s Resilience

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, many sales leaders are facing a tough choice: drive as many sales as possible today or prepare for the future. Most sales leaders are trying to do both, of course, but the intense pressures they’re feeling as economies around the world pull back create an urgency to focus … Continued

MSP Acquisition Roadmap (Podcast)

The acquisition frenzy in the MSP marketplace shows no sign of letting up. In fact, it’s getting more competitive than ever. As a buyer, you need to move quickly to secure the best deal, but a financially successful outcome requires a methodical and deliberate approach… from due diligence to a successful close In this podcast, … Continued

Partner Enablement in a Virtual World

Last month I wrote about how Channel Sales will change in what many are calling the new normal. And like people who progresses through the 7 stages of grief after a loss, so too is our industry progressing through the loss of “the way things were” and learning to accept and adapt. The real indicator … Continued

How to Combat Zoom Fatigue

If you’re finding that you’re more exhausted at the end of your workday than you used to be, you’re not alone. Over the past few weeks, mentions of “Zoom fatigue” have popped up more and more on social media, and Google searches for the same phrase have steadily increased since early March. In this insightful … Continued

5 Ways Tech Companies Are Responding to Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted people’s lives all over the globe. With no playbook for how best to navigate these difficult times, some tech leaders are taking surprising measures that would have been unheard of just three months ago. In this article aimed at investors, Brian Withers of The Motley Fool dives into five ways … Continued

CompTIA Strengthens Virtual Support for Partners

With so many people and businesses operating from home, CompTIA is investing in online resources and events to help solution providers and MSPs manage through these challenging times. ChannelCon is now a Virtual event Registration is now open for ChannelCon Online – a global digital event, that brings tech innovators and thought leaders online August … Continued

Channel Sales in the New Normal

This week we start to see easing of coronavirus restrictions with pubs and clubs joining cafes and restaurants in allowing patrons back in to dine. That means we’re not far away from being able to meet with our partners and customers in person again. But just because we can, that doesn’t mean we will. While … Continued