Forget About Disrupting and Just Get on with it

If “Cloud” was the most overused word in 2016, then “Disruption” would be my pick for this year’s winner. It seems that the mantra for the new breed of workplace warriors is “disrupt, or be disrupted”, and anyone who isn’t turning their business on its head is surely going to end up in the dictionary … Continued

Profits Eat Innovation For Breakfast

This article from Forbes magazine ties in with our feature article this month Forget About Disrupting and Just Get on with it. It discusses striking the important balance between ensuring you make short term profits while also experimenting with new and innovative technologies, processes and ideas to allow for longer term growth and evolution. While … Continued

CompTIA September Webinar and November Community Meeting

CompTIA are continuing to host high quality and informative events to support their Community here in ANZ. The next webinar is scheduled for September 21st and the next community meeting is being held on November 8th. The September 21st Webinar is being delivered by Steve Martin of NextDC, who was a key note speaker at … Continued

Generation Y Should Be Plotting A Revolution

The recent ANZ CompTIA Community meeting was focused on the fact that today we have a multi-generational workforce. Given people are remaining in the workforce for longer, there have never been more generations working together than there are now, so we are in unchartered waters. Further to this, it interesting that it’s the youngest generation … Continued

Top 17 Tech Trends for 2017

At this time of year it is always interesting to see what is predicted in terms of trends for the year ahead in our industry. The cloud was of course highly evident in the recent years, along with the Internet of Everything and Cyber Security. So what does 2017 hold? In this article from Forbes, … Continued

Is Flexible Billing The New Reseller Battleground

The only thing that is certain in the IT channel is change. Last month Moheb spoke to Heather Wright at Channel Life about the huge changes we have seen in the IT channel here in ANZ thanks to the evolution of the Managed Services business model. He also spoke about while he believes the Managed … Continued

The Evolution of the Ransomware Business Model

Ransomware attacks are one thing that I have started to see and hear more and more of lately. This type of malicious software, designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money (ransom) is paid, is wreaking havoc for partners and their customers. Recently I was trying to get hold of … Continued

Round Table To Build Cloud Future

The Cloud revolution continues to be at the forefront of our conversations with clients. It is hugely topical and important for Distributors, vendors and resellers alike. What makes it so topical is the fact that this move to the Cloud is largely unchartered territory and we are all learning as we go. As a result … Continued

The Recurring Dream Of Subscription Software

The hottest topic in the IT Channel right now has to be businesses transitioning to the cloud. This is a hugely relevant article focused on companies making this leap to a subscription based revenue model. As the article states, ‘the transition of software from on-premise to the cloud is nothing short of a revolution’ and … Continued

Channel Loyalty In 2015

We are hearing and reading so much about the changing landscape of the channel. We hear how the evolution of Cloud means that businesses need to make fundamental changes to their business models and the way they go to market. It is a case of either evolve with the industry or you won’t survive. These … Continued