Why Women Are Better Decision Makers Than Men

When it comes to women and making decisions, the common assumption is that women find it harder (and take longer) to make decisions that men. Clearly this is a very general statement but it is a stereotype women have placed on them. It is also a stereotype that can affect a woman’s career path and … Continued

How Donkey Kong Took Nicki Page To The Top

We know that we need to encourage more women into careers in the IT Industry. We also know that women are just as capable when it comes to technology as men. What is more puzzling to us however is where that encouragement comes from. This article has been written by a woman who has forged … Continued

Study Finds Women To Be Better Managers Than Men

It is no secret that the majority of people holding managerial positions in the workforce are men. While this is something that is certainly starting to change, it seems we still have a way to go before the numbers go anywhere close to equalising. To help give things a boost, there is now empirical evidence … Continued

Can You Financially Comprehend A Cloud Opportunity?

Cam Wayland was recently interviewed by ARN about his thoughts and opinions on partner account management when it comes to the Cloud. It seems that vendors want to know what is important when it comes to partner enablement and how to recruit, engage and manage high performing partners. It really is true that the Cloud … Continued

Is Flexible Billing The New Reseller Battleground

The only thing that is certain in the IT channel is change. Last month Moheb spoke to Heather Wright at Channel Life about the huge changes we have seen in the IT channel here in ANZ thanks to the evolution of the Managed Services business model. He also spoke about while he believes the Managed … Continued

Australias Managed Service Providers Wrangle Cloud Vendors

Justin Warren at CRN has written an interesting article about the impact of customers moving to IT consumption via cloud business models on Service Provider organisations. The service providers looking after these customers are no longer handling equipment on behalf of their clients but rather are managing Service Level Agreements. What’s more, the service providers … Continued

Are You Guilty Of This Fatal Sales Mistake?

We all know how important customer service is when it comes to sales and customer retention. But it can be easy to think we totally understand our customer’s needs. For MSP partners, forgetting to uncover customer needs can be a costly mistake. In this article, Stuart Crawford of the MSPMentor provides a very simple analogy … Continued

Colleen Francis Talks Sales Compensation

Sales team compensation plans are a hotly debated topic by both employers and employees alike. Sales people drive revenue for any business so it is imperative they are compensated and incentivised in the best way possible. The question is, what is the best way possible? It would seem that there is no single answer to … Continued