Nine Disruptive Channel Marketing Trends For 2015

Chris Kenton, the founder of the organisation SocialRep, recently wrote an article published on LinkedIn about the channel marketing trends tipped for 2015. Based on a larger body of work that Chris is completing, he interviewed a large number of Channel Marketing Executives and Managers to understand what challenges they are facing in growing partner … Continued

How Prices Get Shoppers Feeling Right About A Deal

The price of a product or service is always something that a consumer considers as part of their purchasing decision. Businesses are acutely aware that some purchasing decisions are purely price driven, but it seems there is more to a price for a product or service than one would ordinarily consider. An interesting article written … Continued

Forbes Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends For 2015

As we head into the new year, it is a perfect time to gain some insight into what is ahead and what the market and industry trends look set to do. This sort of information can be extremely helpful in helping us shape our business planning, sales modelling and customer strategies. While no one can … Continued

Presentations – Half As Long Is Twice As Good

It is a new year and that presents us all with an opportunity to reflect on the year that was and to consider what we might do differently in the year ahead. Many of you present to various audiences (partners and/or end-users) on a regular basis as part of your job. Many of you I … Continued

Networking Is Not A Dirty Word

Having just come through what is possibly the most professionally social time of the year for most of us, it is interesting to consider the value of networking and how you generally feel about it. Some people are born to network. They are simply social beings that enjoy meeting new people and building new connections, … Continued

Rabid Reseller Dodgy DIY Data Centre

By the time December rolls around each year, most of us are looking forward to a long summer at the beach, holidays with family and friends and simply relaxing after working hard all year. With that in mind, while we always look to provide you with useful and interesting press material, at this time of … Continued

What Maslows Hierarchy Wont Tell You About Motivation

With our thoughts reflecting on the year that was, as well as the year ahead, the topic of motivation for yourself and your staff is both timely and relevant. It is important for us as individuals (and for those of who manage staff) to understand what motivates people and how to produce the business results … Continued

Channel Dynamics Turns 10

As part of the celebration of our 10th anniversary, we had the huge honour of being asked to sit down with ARN  to discuss Channel Dynamics as a business and how things have developed and changed since we first launched back in 2004. The article ARN went on to publish provides insight into how the … Continued

Channel Dynamics Party In Pictures

A huge thank you to all who helped us to celebrate our tenth birthday this month. We hope that those who attended our party had as much fun as we did on the night. We wanted the event to give you the opportunity to make new connections and catch up with old friends as well … Continued

Ian Mclean Joins Channel Dynamics Team

This month sees us not only celebrate our 10th anniversary but also build our team to now include Ian Mclean as a Senior Consultant. Ian comes to Channel Dynamics with years of experience working with vendors in the SOHO and low end SMB or ICT Volume sector, where products typically have a list price of … Continued