PR … It Matters!

In this article, CRN’s Leon Gettler interviews Channel Dynamics’ Moheb Moses about the importance of PR (Public Relations). Does it matter, how do you generate it and is there a tangible ROI. And where does Social Media fit in? For Moheb Moses, managing your own PR requires you to get out as much as you … Continued

The Reseller is Dead. Long Live the Reseller!

Of course, the reseller isn’t dead or even close to passing away. But the so-called new-age reseller is having to evolve, and rapidly. So what is the bottom line to this evolution? According to industry experts the answer is simple: differentiate and grow now or be left behind. It is the only way to stay … Continued

How To Sell To Top Execs – In 6 Easy Steps

Common wisdom in sales dictates that the higher up the ladder you can go, the more return you’ll see on your investment. But the boardroom door only opens to those with a handle on executive etiquette, and insight into the mindset beneath it. In this post Geoffrey James reveals the strategy (in six steps) best … Continued

Why Sales Skills Matter – To Everyone

Many people hear the word “sales” and think of pressuring, manipulating, and maneuvering potential customers into making a purchase – all the stereotypes of used car or timeshare sales. But if you really want to boost your career, regardless of what role you are in, maybe you need to find a way to work in … Continued

Channel 2013: Keys to success

Supporting customers with the right products and services to match should be top of mind for the channel this year. Many industry experts are also touting 2013 as the year Cloud services reach a point of maturity in the market, and this also plays into the importance of security. In this article, Julia Talevski and … Continued

6 Reasons Sales Proposal Fail

Sales proposals have the unfortunate combination of being both expensive to create and easy to screw up. Maybe that’s why so many sales reps loath writing them. In this post, Geoffrey James describes the 6 most common dumb reasons that sales proposals end up in the trash, along with some easy-to-follow advice to help you … Continued

Are Your Employees Really Working?

A US programmer was allegedly caught offloading his data-sensitive job to a freelancer in China so he could spend the day surfing the web, a Verizon case study has told. Was he being unlawful, unethical, or just plain innovative? In this article, CRN explores this issue further, and discovers there’s more than one point of … Continued

9 Ways to Beat the Economic Downturn

Let’s face it, in the past few weeks economic indicators haven’t exactly been cheery. The Reserve Bank cut interest rates again because of tightening global economic conditions, worldwide stock markets tumbled on the face of global uncertainty, and vendors and analysts aliek are slashing forecasts. However, despite the bleak outlook, some channel businesses have managed … Continued

Social Media for Partners: For and Against

The words social media have managed to insinuate themselves into the business vernacular with alacrity. But less rapid has been the ability of businesses to understand what they need to do about it. In this CRN head-to-head, Australian tech industry experts Tony Gattari, from the Achievers Group, and Moheb Moses from Channel Dynamics, offer different … Continued

6 Strategies for Dealing With the Carbon Tax

The eagle has landed. The implementation of the Carbon Tax on July 1 marked its transition from political debate to legislation. But how do IT companies best set themselves up to deal with the Carbon Tax? In this article, Nermin Bajric from ARN talks to various industry experts (including Cam Wayland from Channel Dynamics) to … Continued