The Elevator Pitch is Dead

For all the talk about Moore’s Law and the notion that computing power increases unabated, Jay Baer (founder of Convince & Convert) believes there’s not enough talk about another law he feels has equal importance in marketing and public relations. It’s what he calls the Law of Boundless Brevity. In this article, he explains why the … Continued

10 Strategies To Recruit Partners That Produce

Learning how to recruit channel partners is the holy grail of many tech firms across the globe. And why not? Successful channel partner recruitment means developing a revenue engine that’s paid exclusively on performance, is trusted by businesses of all sizes and industry verticals and adapts nimbly to changing economic conditions. But first you have … Continued

Mistakes to Avoid when Crafting your Business Plan

A business plan is a written document containing the goals of your business, but it’s also a detailed road map to achieve your business goals. To land investors, appeal to customers, retain and attract team members, or even just simply to succeed, this map needs to show methods of attaining goals and place timeframes for … Continued

Sales Rep Effectiveness in a Virtual Environment

The last 12 months have brought about many changes, primarily the change from selling in-person to virtual, and this had significant implications for sellers and sales enablement. Sales Mastery, in conjunction with Korn Ferry, has completed their second Buyer Preference Study and have published their results about how effective buyers feel reps are in a … Continued

CompTIA ANZ Community (In Person) Meeting

The Great Debate: “The Channel Is Dead” Over the last few years, we’ve seen the move to software as a service, the introduction of vendor marketplaces, and the evolution of eCommerce platforms. So much so, that many vendors are questioning whether they still need a channel. But at the same time, we’ve seen an increase … Continued

What A Channel-Centric CEO Looks Like

In our Channel Training courses, we talk about how companies evolve through five stages of partnering maturity: Novice – vendor is unsure of partner value Tolerant – there is ad-hoc engagement with partners Reliant – recognition that there is a need for partners to achieve targets Aligned – the vendor’s systems fully support partnering Centric … Continued

Why Companies Are Banning Video Calls

Remote working has become synonymous with back-to-back Zoom meetings. Since the start of the pandemic, video calls have become a lifeline for many employers trialling working from home for the first time. As a result, however, home-workers have been inundated with so many video conferences that it coined a new phrase: Zoom fatigue. It appears … Continued

How to Shift from Selling Products to Selling Services

Only a few years ago, most software companies sold seat licenses for their products, charging customers on the basis of head count. But today, software is typically provided using cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) models that charge customers fees for consumption. Technology companies have spent billions on the innovation necessary to achieve this product shift. In this … Continued

Sales Incentives That Boost Growth

Sales calls aren’t what they used to be. For starters, salespeople are interacting with customers who are armed with heaps of prior research, thanks to the availability of digital and in-person channels. Today’s salespeople are also encountering greater numbers of people they need to influence at customer organizations and are being asked to sell new … Continued