How The Cult of the KPI Has Damaged Our Moral Compass

Going hand in hand with sales incentives are KPIs or Key Performance Indicators. I am confident everyone reading has been given a set of KPIs during their working life, all with the goal of driving certain behaviours that help get you to a particular outcome. It seems however that just like sales incentives, under certain … Continued

Wells Fargo and The Slippery Slope of Sales Incentives

Incentives are common place among sales teams, used to drive specific behaviours and or sales figures for an organisation. They can however very easily, go very wrong. The Wells Fargo case is a well publicised example of incentives going very wrong with many of the employees and the company paying the price. So how and … Continued

Why the Secret to Success is Setting the Right Goals

With such a focus on Incentives, KPIs and behaviours this month in our articles, when I stumbled across this recent TED talk by John Doerr, I thought it was too interesting not to share. John discusses the concept of OKRs (objectives and key results), rather than KPIs, and how they are a powerful tool in … Continued

The Right Way to Respond to Negative Feedback

Most people don’t enjoy receiving negative feedback, whether it’s about themselves, their organisation or their team. Yet everybody enjoys being successful. The problem is that the negative feedback can offer information that will enable you to achieve a higher level of success. It could be said that negative feedback can be both constructive and highly … Continued

5 Tips for Dealing With Stress at Work

Stress is a part of life… we have all experienced it and managed it (some better than others) in one way or another. When it comes to managing work stress there are many methods you can utilise to bring it under control but it seems that keeping your approach simple is probably the best thing … Continued

5 Ways to Lead in an Era of Constant Change

As the saying goes, the only certainty in life is change. Here in the IT channel and the industry in general, we know only too well how big of an impact change can have and how constant and almost relentless change can be. We also know how important it is to evolve and adapt with … Continued

Mastering the SMB Market

The Small to Mid Size Business (SMB) market is large here in ANZ and if you are an MSP, serving this market can be highly profitable. As with most market segments, there are nuances that you need to be aware of in order to be successful but when it comes to the SMB market, the … Continued

Vendors Please Stop Pretending To Be Start-Ups

The ultimate goal for vendors in the channel is to have channel partners sell their solutions to end users. The ultimate goal for all channel partners is to make money, typically from selling vendor solutions. So while it is important for partners to differentiate themselves in the market place to their customers, it is critical … Continued