Channel Landscape Changes as Partnering Gets Personal

The technology changes that have taken place in recent years have been ‘disruptive’ to the channel, to say the least. With these changes impacting how businesses are going to market and what partner business models look like (most moving to a recurring revenue business model in part, if not completely), it is no surprise that … Continued

Stop Doubling Down on Your Failing Strategy

Over the Christmas break I had time to catch up on some holiday reading. In doing this I found a Harvard Business Review Article (Nov-Dec 2017) of particular interest and relevance to the IT industry with the huge amount of change that it is experiencing. With the growth of cloud, co-lo, hybrid IT, XaaS and … Continued

The Best Articles of 2017

It is hard to believe we are already in December, bringing the year of 2017 to a close. We hope that you have all had a happy and successful year. We also hope that the articles we have provided you with here on our blog and through our newsletter have been helpful, informative and occasionally … Continued

Profits Eat Innovation For Breakfast

This article from Forbes magazine ties in with our feature article this month Forget About Disrupting and Just Get on with it. It discusses striking the important balance between ensuring you make short term profits while also experimenting with new and innovative technologies, processes and ideas to allow for longer term growth and evolution. While … Continued

In Blockchain We Trust? Not Yet Says Consumers

The word ‘disruption’ is frequently used when it comes to industry, business and technology. For the IT channel, business and technology go hand in hand as one drives the other, yet the role that technology plays from one industry to the next can be very different. Blockchain is being touted as the next big technology … Continued

Success With IoT Requires More Than Chasing The Cool Factor

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Transformation (DT) are very hot topics that are on the radar for the vast majority of businesses. The interesting thing however is that successfully implementing or embarking on an IoT or DT journey, and obtaining an ROI that will positively impact a business, requires more than the technology … Continued