It Is A New Year!…..So Now What?

Welcome to 2016! The beginning of a new year is a great time to look at your business and think about the priorities for the year ahead. The old adage ‘Failing to plan means planning to fail’ really could not be more true. For many, the planning process can be a bit daunting, but in … Continued

Your Partners Are Listening…. Don’t Bore Them

If you’ve read our articles over the years, you will have noticed we try to make them interesting and informative without overtly promoting our own services. So it feels strange for me to write this article because I will be blatantly promoting our services at the end. Don’t worry – this article is still going … Continued

Y2K Ain’t What It Used To Be

When people refer the “halcyon days” of the IT industry, they are usually thinking of three things – the early 80’s when PCs were $6,000 at 30% margin, the early 90’s when MDF meant “Money for Decadent Functions” or the late 90’s when customers spent more money on technology in 6 months than any other … Continued

This Channel Thingy Is Getting Complex

Channel used to be easy. I don’t mean easy for the average man in the street (who thinks it’s a brand of perfume or something you change with a remote). I mean it was easy for those of us actually in the channel. We all understood how it worked. Vendors sold to distributors, who then … Continued

Selling To The Right Person In A Cloud Driven World

As you may be aware, Channel Dynamics has been assisting the US based Industry Trade Association organisation CompTIA to establish a local ANZ channel community. While CompTIA is best known for its training and education, it also conducts primary research. Today we drill down into the findings from a recent CompTIA survey to understand more … Continued

Volume Partners – Selection vs. Collection

Author: Ian Maclean Over the last few years, Channel Dynamics has conducted many research projects around understanding problems relating to the partner ecosystem. In many instances, the research highlighted that vendors were not focusing enough on recruiting the right partners, or that partners were being on-boarded in a haphazard manner. In other words, anyone could … Continued

Rethinking Partner Enablement For Cloud

Author: Cam Wayland We are working with a vendor that is transitioning its portfolio of products and partners to be more annuity or XaaS orientated. This includes evaluating their partner enablement material and approach so either existing or new partners could successfully sell the Cloud or XaaS solutions. Our findings suggest that using the same … Continued

Rethinking The Value Of Customers In A Cloudy World

Recently we have been working with a number of service providers building out their channel and XaaS offerings. The first part of the process is helping them to clearly define their target customer, and as a result what will be the best type of partner to acquire and service this customer. The second thing we … Continued

Are Service Providers Partners Or Customers?

I often conduct strategy discussions with vendors who sell through Service Providers, and at some point during the meeting, I’ll ask the question – are Service Providers (ie. Managed Service Providers, Telcos, Cloud providers, etc) your Customer or your Partner? The answer is usually something like “well sometimes they’re customers and sometimes they’re partners but … Continued

Channel Dynamics In The Press

At Channel Dynamics we thrive on helping our customers with whatever their channel or business challenge may be. Anything from strategy consultation and program development all the way through sales and messaging training may be required depending upon the client and their business issue. Cam has recently been featured in ARN in two articles for … Continued