Are Service Providers Partners Or Customers?

I often conduct strategy discussions with vendors who sell through Service Providers, and at some point during the meeting, I’ll ask the question – are Service Providers (ie. Managed Service Providers, Telcos, Cloud providers, etc) your Customer or your Partner? The answer is usually something like “well sometimes they’re customers and sometimes they’re partners but … Continued

Channel Dynamics In The Press

At Channel Dynamics we thrive on helping our customers with whatever their channel or business challenge may be. Anything from strategy consultation and program development all the way through sales and messaging training may be required depending upon the client and their business issue. Cam has recently been featured in ARN in two articles for … Continued

What A Difference 10 Years Makes

As we pass the 10 year milestone as Channel Dynamics, we couldn’t help but reflect on how our industry has evolved over the last decade. Technology may advance every year (faster in some years than others) but it’s only when we stop and look at it over a period of time that we realise how … Continued

What Was Hot In 2004?

Author: Tamara Hodkinson 10 years really does go by very quickly. So much can happen in that time, like huge leaps in technology or vast changes in the state of the global economy. Yet at the same time so much can stay the same, like some of the social issues we face as a nation, … Continued

Profitable Partners Are Loyal Partners

It’s the end of the quarter, and we need to make the number. So out come the promos! We’ve all heard them before. “Buy 4, get 1 Free”. “Take 2 months stock, and I’ll give you a discount”. “Drop your margin by a couple of points to help us get this deal, and we’ll owe … Continued

Customer Life Cycle Management and The Cloud

Customer life cycle management is an important issue for every business selling cloud services. Where there was once traditional solution selling around a large capital item followed by install and management, we are now seeing the consumption of IT as a service driven by cloud technologies. Cloud services are usually billed monthly over a fixed … Continued

Is There A Need For The Channel In The Cloud?

There is no doubt that customers are starting to examine how they procure technology, and opting for a Cloud model rather than the traditional CapEx model. However, while this shift may provide a range of benefits for the customer and potentially the channel, it also brings with it some fundamental changes to the way technology … Continued

Partner Program Design Checklist

We have recently been asked by a couple of clients to help them design, build and implement a new partner program, either as a re-launch of an existing program or as their first serious attempt at recruiting and managing partners. We hope this article provides an insight into what to do, what not to do, … Continued

Six Tips For Running Better Meetings

Finally, it’s your turn at the helm doing a partner review or facilitating an important meeting. Prove yourself in front of your peers and partners, and you’ve proved yourself full stop. Allow yourself to be the ringmaster in a cacophony of bad or no decision making, however, and it’s as though you drilled a hole … Continued

Paretos Principle And The Channel

In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country. He had observed that 80 percent of the property in Italy was owned by 20 percent of the people. It was Quality Management Pioneer Dr Joseph Juran however who suggested the principle within his field … Continued